What foods are you eating to help treat under eye issues?

February 21, 2017

In addition to the Easy Eye Solutions products or other topical treatments you may be using to help fight dark circles and under eye puffiness, these foods will assist in reducing your under eye issues naturally through the food you eat.

  1. Almonds

This crunchy source of healthy fat and protein is also a full of fat soluble vitamin E, a key player when it comes to keeping your complexions and eyes glowing. Studies have shown vitamin E is an efficient antioxidant and reduces the damage done to your skin by free radicals. This means it can prevent the breakdown of skin cells under your eyes, too, helping to prevent wrinkles and even helping to reduce dark circles.

  1. Kale

Kale is known for its super food qualities, just a half cup of these leafy greens provides you with over 100 percent of your daily needs for vitamin K. Vitamin K helps to prevent calcium from accumulating on the walls of your blood vessels, which can cause vascular damage over time. This means overall healthier blood flow and cardiovascular health.

Poor circulation can be a cause of dark circles, so increasing your vitamin K may help reduce them. Add these greens to any smoothie to supercharge its nutritional value, or spice up some homemade kale chips for a crunchy snack.

  1. Organic grass-fed beef

Beef is a well-known excellent source of iron. Iron deficiency is one of the main culprits behind dark circles. If you’re suffering from iron-deficiency anemia, it can cause your skin to appear pale and thin, causing your dark circles to be more apparent and pronounced.

By eating foods high in iron, you can help prevent low levels of iron in the blood. Add leftover thin slices of grass-fed beef to your morning egg scramble, or add it to a winter stew.

  1. Strawberries

While many people think of citrus fruits when they think of vitamin C, just one cup of strawberries offers about 85 milligrams of this immune-boosting vitamin (the daily recommended intake for an adult is 65-90 milligrams.)

Vitamin C works in the body as an antioxidant protecting skin cell damage from free radicals, and inhibiting the destruction of skin cells. It also helps to support the strength of your blood vessel walls, as well as help to promote the production of collagen.

So, what does all of this mean for your under eye circles? Stronger blood vessels mean less bruising and collagen (a building block of skin) will help maintain structural integrity and elasticity of the skin under your eyes. Fresh sliced strawberries aren’t just for yogurt and oatmeal, add them to your green salads or satisfy your sweet tooth with this berry quinoa salad.

  1. Sweet potatoes

Vitamin A is crucial to skin health and one of the most famous nutrients when it comes to the health of our largest organ. This vitamin contributes to regulating skin cell turnover, keeping your skin, including under your eyes, looking youthful, healthy and bright.