Do you know what Yoga can do for your eyes?

May 8, 2017

Dark circles and sunken eyes are a common skin problem for many people around the world.

There are various contributing factors that cause these under-eye shadows. It could be due to age, genetics, diet, lifestyle, or stress.
Therefore, it’s important to have a good diet, get enough sleep. And thus, reduce stress levels.
Although having dark circles is not a serious skin problem. Yet, this skin discoloration makes you look tired and unhealthy.
They may not be erased completely. But, you can easily lighten the darkness, by regularly performing an easy yoga exercise routine, applying home remedies, and using makeup and skin products.

Yoga Exercise Routine

Yoga is an excellent form of exercise to reduce stress levels and get the mind, body, and soul to be in its most relaxed state.
Illustratively, known as the ‘clock face’ yoga routine, this exercise will give a healthy glow to the eye area.
It involves looking up towards the ceiling, then slowly moving your eyeballs anti-clockwise, taking it one by one. From 2 o’clock to 5 o’clock. At 6 o’clock, you look down towards the floor. Then continue all the way to 12 o’ clock.
Next, repeat the routine. But this time move your eyeballs clockwise. Once complete, close your eyes and allow a little rest, then open them again. You will feel relaxed.

Tomato Remedy

Tomatoes are a great skin lighting agent, which lighten darkness around the eyes.

1. Mix one tablespoon of tomato juice with one tablespoon of lemon juice.
2. Grab a cotton wool, soak it in the liquid, and apply it on your eyes, covering your under eyes and your eyelids.
3. Leave this on for 10 minutes and wash off with cold water.
You can even try drinking if you don’t want to apply it.

Raw Potato Remedy

Raw potato contains bleaching agents, which will reduce the puffiness around the eyes, and lighten the dark circles.

1. Extract the juice from one or two potatoes. You can do this by grating them. To apply the potato cold and chilled, put it in the fridge the night before.
2. Apply the juice on a cotton wool, and gently dab it on the eyes, making sure to cover the whole eye area.
3. Leave it on for 10 minutes, do this for up to 2-3 weeks to see the results.

Almond Oil Remedy

Almond oil is an all-rounder. Beneficial for your food, skin, hair and face, providing you nutrition.

1. Apply almond oil with a cotton pad over the dark circles, and leave it on overnight. In addition, gently massaging the oil under the eyes, improves blood circulation, which decreases the appearance of dark veins.
2. Applying Vaseline on top is optional. But, it is beneficial if you want to seal the oil. In particular, if you have dry skin, it helps prevent the oil from drying.
3. Wash it off with cold water the next morning.

Eye Creams

Under eye creams are a popular way of slowly fading the shadowy circles, and preventing them from further darkening.
For example, the Easy Eye Solutions product line is well known to reduce puffiness around the eyes and dark circles. With its fragrance-free ingredients, this formula is known to revitalize and rejuvenate the eye area.  Applied at night the Instant Eye Tuck & Dark Circle Treatment  together with the Illuminating Eye Care, with Easy Eye Solutions, works wonders in not only preventing morning puffiness, including the reduction of festoons, but in the reduction of dark circles and discoloration.

Using under eye creams and home made treatments are options for reducing the dark circles. Meanwhile, makeup products are a great way to temporarily conceal them.
Paying attention to your health, getting enough sleep, eating the right kind of foods, as well as exercising regularly, are also equally important.

You may not see results in one day. But, consistency will help you walk free from darkness.